Love of my life โค๏ธ


Love of my life, Lots and lots of lots and lots of congratulations for your 26nd birthday !! Wish you a lot of happiness and happiness that you will succeed in your work and fulfill your aspirations, that we will win the lottery at last. Most importantly, keep smiling because that is what sets you apart Soon we will be together for a year and I wanted to tell you that I have the best girl in the world that I received a gift and thank you for who you are and for giving your soul in our relationship and investing in it as you know it .... Wish us many adventures along the way, get up every day with her in the morning and sleep in love at night and special surprises from the sky! Love you endlessly and beyond. I made you a challenging and fun birthday surprise That you will get in the path of our shared life and sweet memories together. Let's start, The first destination is where we would spend time together and enjoy delicious food without considering carbs and calories. Good luck babe ๐Ÿ˜˜

Love of my life โค๏ธ

Love of my life โค๏ธ

Antignos 21, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Katamon, Jerusalem, 93303, Israel

738m / 2421ft above sea level (altitude)


Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
17 stops nearby

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