הצלצול | ZilZul (Electronics store)


The Tzilzul (Ringtone) is a long-standing mobile institution in the local landscape. The store is located at 24 Trumpeldor Street in Petah Tikva. The ringtone store was established by a team of cellular pioneers over 8 years ago. At the time of its establishment, it was one of the first in the Gush Dan area. We, the ringtone team, specialize in marketing and selling all types of cellular devices on the market - new and second-hand, Yes, the ring lab specializes in repairing all types of mobile devices on the market, from screen replacement to corrosion faults, audio and more and more. And the ring shop focuses and specializes in providing first-class service - from personal treatment to providing an explanation before and after the purchase. To every customer, whether a child or an adult. With us, every customer is satisfied and every customer receives a service. Thank you for welcoming your time, Tzilzul.

הצלצול | ZilZul (Electronics store)

הצלצול | ZilZul (Electronics store)

Trumpeldor 24, Petah Tikva, Petah Tikva, Merkaz, 49460, Israel

53m / 174ft above sea level (altitude)


Business details

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Apple iPhone
Apple Watch
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
19 stops nearby

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