The Meshushim Stream Nature Reserve


The Meshushim Pool – this enchanting pool is the main point of interest for visitors to the nature reserve. It is a large pool (around 20 x 30 m) surrounded by a cliff made up of numerous hexagonal basalt pillars. The hexagonal pillars, standing vertically around the sides of the pool, are a uniquely beautiful natural sight. This phenomenon is caused by flowing streams of molten lava that has cooled and, in a slow process, formed basalt rocks. When the lava solidifies very slowly and without interruption, the shape it forms is a hexagon. ~ First image by oren valdman - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, link attached.

The Meshushim Stream Nature Reserve

The Meshushim Stream Nature Reserve

87 Golan, Golan, Tsafon, 12000, Israel

-137m / -449ft below sea level (altitude)


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