The first home I ever owned (6020 SE Holly Road Belleview, Florida)


When I was 17 years old, I was in a major car accident. From the settlement, I received approximately $20,000. Young and in love, I wanted to invest the money in property and create my first Florida homestead. Not long after my 18th birthday, I found this neglected home built on a 1/2 acre lot from the 1920s that was for sale for just $22,000. The home was build of solid cedar and not a termite found. At that time, we were living at 6044 SE Agnew Road, just around the corner and so I was able to remodel the home in my afternoons and evenings and weekends. I spent about a year remodeling the home, adding a tin roof and spiral staircase inside (still looking for some of these old images). When I left for college to Canada, my mother used the location for a Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner sales office. I sold the home to pay for college. The home was later purchased and then sold to the adjacent First Baptist Church who tore the home down to provide a larger retention pond area and parking.

The first home I ever owned (6020 SE Holly Road Belleview, Florida)

The first home I ever owned (6020 SE Holly Road Belleview, Florida)

SE Holly Rd 6020, Belleview, Marion, FL, 34420, USA

27m / 89ft above sea level (altitude)


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