Where the most perilous lunch break took place


11 men casually eating, chatting and having a smoke with their feet dangling 840 feet (260 meters) above the ground, supported only by one thin steel beam, is something that probably happened only once. This photograph was taken on September 20, 1932 on the 69th floor of the RCA building, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, (Now called the GE building) in Manhattan, New York City, United states. This inspiring photograph, later to be called Lunch Atop A Skyscraper, shows actual ironworkers having their lunch break. For many decades the identity of the photographer remained unknown. However, in 2003 the photograph was credited to Charles C. Ebbets.

Where the most perilous lunch break took place

Where the most perilous lunch break took place

Rockefeller Plaza 30, New York, NY, 10112, USA

10m / 33ft above sea level (altitude)



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